10 Tips to Help Contractors Improve Customer Satisfaction & Increase Repeat Business

Posted by Metrie on January 1, 2020


If you work in the residential market, you know how hard repeat business can be to come by. But when the alternative is continually selling and looking for new customers, knowing that past clients will come back to you and recommend you to others brings significant peace of mind and helps pay the bills.

Making sure your customers are satisfied and will call you first the next time they have a project is essential to running your business successfully.

Here are our top 10 tips for improving customer satisfaction and increasing repeat business.

Tip 1: Put Homeowners at Ease

You spend all day, everyday living and breathing home improvement projects, but for most of your homeowner customers, this is their first venture into home repair and updates. Help put them at ease by listening to their concerns and making sure they know they are heard, not only at the beginning of the project but through the end. 

Encourage them to ask questions about any part of the project, and be sure to answer them without too much technical language. Talk to them about why you choose the products and processes you do, and what you’ve learned over the years. Knowing they have a seasoned, trusted professional working on their home will help ease their mind and build trust in you for this and future projects.

Tip 2: Create a Clear Contract

Be very clear about the project terms. Your contract should include exactly the project you’ll be completing and the steps that will be taken to get there. This will help both you and the homeowner feel comfortable with the scope of the project. They will understand what work is being done, and you’ll have something to protect yourself if they start asking for “just one more thing.”

But still, make sure to listen to the needs of the homeowner and how they may change throughout the project. They know you’re the expert, but if you brush off the homeowner’s concerns, they’ll feel neglected no matter how good a job you do. The key to repeat business is to create a relationship where you’re a trusted resource, not a know-it-all.


Tip 3: Ensure Clear, Consistent Information

Try to keep one point of contact for the project or, at the very least, always use the same communication method (i.e. email OR text OR phone calls). If the customer prefers to use the phone, follow-up with an email to confirm details—particularly any changes—so that everyone has a record of what was agreed to.

When preparing the statement of work, share a detailed timeline of every step in the process so the homeowners understand how long each step should take and what steps depend on the completion of a previous step or how a delivery delay can affect the timeline. 

If delays are anticipated, the reason and what you plan to do to get back on schedule should be communicated to the customer as promptly as possible. They will often be understanding, particularly for circumstances beyond your control, but will be less so if you only admit to the issue when it has become a significant hurdle.

Also, don’t just wait until delays arise or you run into complications to discuss the project timeline. Every time a major stage of the work is completed, communicate it to the client, along with any delays to the next stages that may have come from the completion of this stage or let them know if you are now ahead of schedule. 

Tip 4: Create Visual Communication Whenever Possible

It can be hard for your homeowner customers to understand exactly what you mean when you use industry jargon. Visuals can help bridge this barrier to communication. This could be a visual representation of your project schedule or a quick sketch of what you’re planning to install, so they understand the steps.

Tip 5: Establish Payment Terms and Conditions at the Start

An argument over money is the fastest way to lose a repeat customer. Establish exact terms and conditions before any work is started so everyone is on the same page and no one feels ripped off. This includes not only how much the work will cost, but any deposits, milestone payments, the amount due on completion and how quickly the customer is expected to pay.


Tip 6: Let Clients Know When You Are Available to Talk

Make sure to offer consistent and reliable communication times. Be very clear about when you are available for questions or concerns the client may have. You don’t want to spend all day stopping what you’re doing to answer the phone. Instead, create clear boundaries and, most importantly, answer the phone during those times. 

Tip 7: Keep Clear Records

Unfortunately, discrepancies will pop up occasionally. By keeping clear, detailed records of everything you’ve purchased for the job, payments out, etc., you’ll be able to provide proof that you’ve kept to your contract or explain why your budget had to increase.


Tip 8: Ask for Feedback and Testimonials

If you want to attract new clients, make sure you ask current clients for a testimonial after the job is done. There’s nothing like glowing praise from a client to not only make you feel good but to show to other potential clients that you are reliable, trusted and produce good work. 

Giving good feedback has the added bonus of cementing your quality in your client’s mind, so they’ll be more likely to hire you for future work.

And if they post the feedback to social media or review sites, such as HomeStars or Angie’s List, anyone interested in your company can see the good reviews for themselves, without having to ask you for references.

Tip 9: Send a “Thank You for Your Business” Email or Card

Once the project is over, make sure to thank the homeowner for their business. This can be an email or a handwritten card (if you really want to impress them). By thanking the customer, you’ll leave a positive impression in their mind. 

Tip 10: Ask to Take Pictures of the Completed Job

To attract new clients and improve your business’s marketing, ask if you can take pictures of the completed job. You can post these to social media and your website to show the quality of your work. And if you received a testimonial from that client too, you can put that with the images for an extra boost. Just be sure to get permission to post their testimonial if it was given privately.

Find Your Next Best Client

Your next best client is the one you already have. With a steady roster of repeat clients, you can spend less time selling your services and more time working on projects that keep the money coming in.

By maintaining good communication during all phases of the project, answering questions in a way that makes customers feel heard, and delivering high-quality work, you’ll quickly earn a reputation as a trusted partner among homeowners.

To find trusted partners of your own, visit the Metrie website to find local dealers and suppliers ready to help make your next project a success.


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Topics: Audience: Dealers, Audience: Contractors