Metrie Ambassador: Ann Hamel

Posted by Metrie on January 1, 2020


Option {M} Vintage Industrial

At Metrie, relationship building is at the heart of what we do. Our dealer partners have busy builder clients looking to meet the specific needs of their homeowner customers. To do that, they can choose from any number of moulding and trim suppliers, so we’re always pleased when they choose Metrie.

Our Metrie sales reps are instrumental to our success. And while their job may appear, on the surface, to be about promoting our products, in fact, what they’re doing is building lasting and trusted relationships that benefit both the rep and the dealer.

We sat down with Metrie's Key Account Manager, Ann Hamel and one of her customers Bob Brown, from Iverson’s Lumber Company in Highland, Michigan. We wanted to get an in-depth look at why Bob has chosen to do business with Ann and, by extension, Metrie over the years.

Back Again

Ann is a long-term Metrie employee. She joined us in 2005, and though she left and moved across the country for a few years, we were pleased to see her back in 2017. She's been Iverson’s Metrie rep throughout her career.

Bob was glad to see Ann back, too. “She is really passionate. It's good to be around a salesperson like that who has the enthusiasm to bring you along.”

And Bob wasn’t the only one happy to see her back. Ann’s manager, Kyle Marshall, had this to say: “Ann is one of the most passionate, energetic and driven individuals I have ever worked with. She is convinced there is good inside everyone and is determined to help folks draw out the best versions of themselves.”

A Friendly Face

Meet Ann Hamel, A Metrie Ambassador Image 2

Option {M} Shabby Chic

Ann is a regular presence at Iverson’s, and popular too. Bob says, “She doesn't just stop and talk to me, as the manager and purchaser. She talks to our salespeople. She talks to folks at the counter.” 

But she’s not just there to chat. Iverson’s receives Metrie deliveries twice a week. “She stays on top of our account. She brings us all the current trends as far as what styles people are using out there, even outside of our market. And she meets with our builders and tries to keep them up-to-date as well.”

Iverson's stocks a wealth of Metrie products, and their builder clients love having ready access to samples, particularly from new product lines, to show customers, rather than relying on online pictures.

Both Bob and Ann are big fans of the Option {M} product line.

“We redid our showrooms this year, and are featuring Option {M},” Bob says. “A lot of our builders are really enjoying the fact that we have it right here on display. It's moulding with a purpose. We can show our customers the Bohemian, Shabby Chic, or the Vintage Industrial, whatever they need to see.”

Ann’s also an Option {M} fan, but she has a close runner up. “Metrie Complete comes in a close second as I learn more about how it can help my dealers to differentiate themselves and simplify their customers’ projects.”

No More Racing to the Bottom

That differentiation is something both Bob and Ann talk about. 

Ann says, “The race to the bottom when selling is no fun for anyone. Currently, Metrie has the ability to help our dealers differentiate themselves in the market through the use of our Option {M}, Collections, and Complete product lines including additional capabilities available through our manufacturing plants.”

Bob agrees. “That's another large thing that Ann brings: trying to get people away from the race to the bottom as far as the price goes. In the past, we were always so focused on being priced less than the guy down the street. We ended up selling a ton of commodity products. 

“Today, we've shifted our focus a bit to selling higher-quality, value-added products, and it's much better for everyone. And Ann represents that better than most.”

Going Beyond

Meet Ann Hamel, A Metrie Ambassador Image 3

Option {M} Bohemian

Ann’s approach as Iverson’s Metrie rep means going beyond traditional tasks like providing product literature, and Bob is grateful for the support. 

“In the lumber business, it's an old school type business. And so you get a rep like Ann, who is passionate and forward-thinking, it can make a big difference. She even helps us navigate the digital world. Pinterest and Houzz: that’s confusing for a lumber dealer.”

Bob’s learned to be a fan of Metrie’s online tools. “One of the tools that I use is the Option {M} style quiz. Once I do that, I know the customer's not going anywhere else. That's what actually makes the customer say, ‘Well this is where I'm going to buy from’ as opposed to just being worried about the price.”

Ann was there too, as Metrie made operational changes, and Bob appreciated the support. 

“During the transition from the Metrie sales office in Detroit to the office in Chicago, Ann really put a personal touch on making that transition easy. The change could have been confusing for dealers, and she's really helped make that transition almost seamless. Her personal touch really really helps our customers.”

To the Future

Metrie’s reps are here to support and educate their dealer customers. Ann and the rest of the Metrie team are passionate about helping customers differentiate themselves in a competitive construction market. 

Ann says, “For dealers who are trying to win new business and continue to bring leading product lines to their customers first, they should partner with their local Metrie rep to explore possibilities further.”

To get started, visit the Metrie website.


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Topics: Audience: Dealers